Friday, September 19, 2008

Pacheco accused of cronyism

The PE reports here that the IELB's favorite prosecutor Rod Pacheco

created a new group of staff and filled the unit partly with his one-time Assembly aides and former Republican political operatives.

The 10-member executive division, set up over time, costs taxpayers more than $500,000 each year in salaries alone and reports directly to the district attorney, a review of public records shows.

this is a must read if only for the picture of Mr. Pacheco. I think The Atlantic's Jill Greenberg practiced on Mr. Pacheco's mug before proceeding to Senator McCain.

1 comment:

Gus said...

I never hear of a D.A. or high ranking Peace Officer that was not schooled in advanced cronyism. Everyone knows about the code of silence. As they say in marketing "Perception Is Reality!"