Sunday, September 28, 2008

You knew it was gonna happen.

Lost among much of the brouhaha on same sex marriage is what will happen when marriage rights are extended beyond male-female marriages. The PE reports on a manifestation of this here.

In 1998 California's voters said emphatically that marriage shall only be between a man and a woman. Ten years later our robed masters in the California Supreme Court determined that the voters violated the state's constitution.

During this time period, the state Legislature decided that same sex couples should have the same rights as married couples and provided a Domestic Partnership equivalent. Now, some unmarried couples of different sexes want the same rights of domestic partnerships but don't want to get married. These couples say its discrimination.

1 comment:

Gus said...

Why even get married by the state it means nothing anymore. Then once you get married by the state your subject to all of the states rules.